Brice Marden
20. Mai - 12. August 2018
"Moon III", 1977, Oil and beeswax on canvas. Three panels, 213 x 305 cm overall; "Long Gulf", 1971, Oil and beeswax on canvas. Two panels, 61 x 244 cm overall; "Elements I", 1981-1982, Oil on canvas. Four panels, 213 x 129.5 cm overall
"Elements I", 1981-1982, Oil on canvas. Four panels, 213 x 129.5 cm overall; "Second Window Painting", 1983, Oil on linen. Five panels, 61 x 229 cm overall; "Winsor + Newton", 2016-2017, Oil on linen, 244 x 182.9 cm
"Winsor + Newton", 2016-2017, Oil on linen, 244 x 182.9 cm; "The Muses", 1991-1993, Oil on linen, 274.5 x 457 cm, 1991-1993
"The Muses", 1991-1993, Oil on linen, 274.5 x 457 cm; "Moon III", 1977, Oil and beeswax on canvas. Three panels, 213 x 305 cm overall; "Long Gulf", 1971, Oil and beeswax on canvas. Two panels, 61 x 244 cm overall © 2018, ProLitteris, Zürich. Alle Urheberrechte bleiben vorbehalten. Sämtliche Reproduktionen sowie jegliche andere Nutzungen ohne Genehmigung durch die ProLitteris - mit Ausnahme des individuellen und privaten Abrufens der Werke - sind verboten.